subjects covered, conditions of subscription and malling for your REVIEW-Mr. R.K., Ontario.
REVIEW EDITOR: Please send a sample edition...—Mr. A.G., West Germany. REVIEW EDITOR: I came acrossy ouŕname. In a Danish magazine. Please airmall your August issue.-Mr. A.S., Saudi Arabia. REVIEW EDITOR: Is there any sign of a similar organization getting under way here? I have heard of nothing, but there isstill a great conspiracy of silence here ...Mr. D.L., England.
EDITOR'S REPLY: Write to the Albany Trust, 32 Shaftesbury Ave., London W1. This organization can inform you of its Homosexual Law Reform Society" and its new semi-annual publication, Man & Society." (2s6d; or 1.00 per year In U.S.)
REVIEW EDITOR: Please send a sample of your REVIEW...is it possible to subscribe and pay in sterling currency?-Mr. C.W., Northern Ireland.
EDITOR'S REPLY: There is an arrangement for payment to an agent in London in sterling.
REVIEW EDITOR: We wish to advise you that we are forming an organization with the same aims as yours. Our chief alm Is a progressive effort calling for a change of the law with a view to strongly supporting statutes which forbid (a) sex act ivities and indecent behavior in public; sex relationships between adults and minors; (c) sex activities which involve use of violence and (d) sex relationships which transmit disease. We also intend to investigate legal aid for members that need such help. Would you please publish this in your magazine and send us any Information that would be helpful?-Mr. John H. WILLIS, P.O. Box 48, Reservoir, Victoria, Australia.
REVIEW EDITOR: Enclosed is a dollar for the legal defense fund. I am sympa thetic with your idea that It Isn't necessary to arrest everyone (In a restaurant) if only a few are charged with a specific offense. Mr. A., Califomio.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This special fund has now been closed. Response to it (just over $200) was sufficient to pay the legal expense for a majority of those charged with "frequenting a disorderly house" in San Francisco on August 13. Of the 103
persons arrested, only about 6-8 persons were found guilty of an offense; remainIng defendants received dismissal of charges.
REVIEW EDITOR: I want to compliment you and your staff on some excellent covers on our magazine lately. One I liked particularly was the June issue (vol. 7, no. 6). Can you give us the address of the source of the drawing?—Mr. L.L., the source of the drawing?-Mr. L.L., Massachusetts.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Male Models, International Edition is published by Intemational Male Studio, P.O. Box 330, Copenhagen 5, Denmark, at $1.00 per copy. The International edition is designed to be mallable in the U.S. The publishing organization does not sell photographs, REVIEW EDITOR: With regret ❘ request Immediate cancellation of my subscription to your excellent and courageous magazine. Reason: postal situationMr P Illinois.
REVIEW EDITOR: I am just a month in the US.A.-an immigrant. I have a good feel job and everything is all right only I faal sof so alone here without friends from my own country. Could you.....-Mr. V.M., New Mexico.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The rest of the letter above and our reply are no longer news to REVIEW readers. Regretfully, perhaps, but positively, we cannot and do not provide names for anyone.
REVIEW EDITOR: I have recently received a series of letters from a friend in Palma de Majorca, Spain, and he states emphatically and frequently that the homophile is treated decently, respectfully and has no fear of the law there. Mr. P., New Mexico.
REVIEW EDITOR: I would like to know where or how I could see the film, "Fireworks," discussed in the July REVIEW. I also want to say how much I enjoyed Something to Hide," by John E. O'Connor, and wish you'd have more like it.Mr. C.S.W., New York.
EDITOR'S REPLY: An Inquiry to Suite 304, 1133 Broadway, New York 10, should get the Information you seek about the film.
REVIEW EDITOR: I just read your most Interesting article, "Homosexuality, Morality and Religion," in August Real Life Guide. I want to say the ideas expressed
mattachine REVIEW
in it are similar to my own and this is the EDITOR'S REPLY: The bibliography menfirst time I ever read them in print. Rev. tloned above is not in booklet form yet, mainly because production funds for such G.C.H., Florida. a project are so limited. However it is REVIEW EDITOR: I understand that your still a live project. In the meantime, there organization aids homosexuals in trouble, are two other bibliographies of note: (1) I am In that category-I got into trouble The Homosexual in Literature, published Tast April. What made matters worse was by Village Press, New York, and Checkthat I had been a teacher, so I lost not list, a bibliography on lesbian literature, only my teaching job, but my credential, published Independently in Texas by Marand under Califomia law I shall have to lan Zimmer Bradley. The 1960 edition of register with police wherever I go.—Mr. D. W. Cory's Homosexual in America (CasR.K., California. tle) also has an extensive bibliography. EDITOR'S REPLY: Laws are harsh upon Many of the books listed can be rented persons such as above. Our only aid prefrom commercial lending libraries, but sently is referral to other agencies and many are now rare and out of print. job prospects in other fields through the Society's social service department.
REVIEW EDITOR: I am coming to CallREVIEW EDITOR: Back In April 1960 you fornia this fall to finish my education at answered a reader who inquired about a college, and I would like to leam about comprehensive list of books dealing with the places to go for people like myself and homosexuality, that "such a list has been a male friend. My interests are in the field on Installment feature in the REVIEW of art and physical education.—Miss M.V., since August 1957, and is now approach. Indiana.
Ing a conclusion in booklet form." Is this
booklet available, and if so, for how much?
Do you know of any place where books on EDITOR'S REPLY: As an educational, your list might be rented? Wouldn't it be research and social service organization, a good idea if a reader's club were organthe Society has never been concerned with Ized?-Mr. F.H., Illinois. places for people to go to find "gay life."
DORIAN BOOK QUARTERLYPublished in January, April, July and October. Subscription $2 per year, mailed sealed to any address. Published by PAN-GRAPHIC PRESS. 693 Mission Street, San Francisco 5. Calif., Tel.jEXbrook 7-0773. Primarily concerned with books relating to socio-sexual themes; particularly fiction and non-fic. tion works on homosexuality and sex variation topics.
Write for Free Sample Copy
The Circle (Der Kreis)
Published monthly since 1932, in French, German and English (no translation duplications); contains photos, Illustrations and art reproductions, Rolf, editor. Annual subscriptions $11 first class sealed, Bank draft or cash to Lesezirkel Der Kreis, Postfach 547, Fraumunster, Zurich 22, Switzerland.
Monthly literary and scientific review in French, A. Baudry, editor. Subscript lons $9 per year. Address 74 Blvd. de Reuilly, Paris XII, France.